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System Requirements:

  • Python 3.0 or higher
  • macOS, Windows, and Linux are supported.

Installation With pip

pip install pygwalker

pygwalker/graphic-walker is updating new features frequently, so you can install the latest version with the following command: pip install pygwalker --upgrade

Installation From conda-forge

conda install -c conda-forge pygwalker


mamba install -c conda-forge pygwalker

See conda-forge feedstock (opens in a new tab) for more help.

Local Development

git clone
cd pygwalker

Build web app:

# pygwalker/app
cd app
yarn install
yarn build

Install requirements:

# pygwalker
pip install -e .

Run Examples

You can create a .ipynb file in pygwalker project root directory, and directly import pygwalker for testing.

# pygwalker
jupyter-lab .

Still have questions? Welcome to raise a issue in our github (opens in a new tab) or discuss at discord channel (opens in a new tab).