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Snowflake APIs

PyGWalkre & Snowflake API

Install pygwalker and pygwalker snowflake plugin。

pip install --upgrade --pre pygwalker
pip install --upgrade --pre "pygwalker[snowflake]" 

Create a connector to snowflake and pass it to pyg.walk function.

import pygwalker as pyg
from pygwalker.data_parsers.database_parser import Connector
conn = Connector(
walker = pyg.walk(conn)

The first argument to the Connector is the connection string format in sqlalchemy. According to snowflake's documentation (opens in a new tab), the connection string format is as follows:

  • Account name: snowflake://<user_login_name>:<password>@<orgname>-<account_name>
  • Account locator: snowflake://<user_login_name>:<password>@<account_locator>.<region_id>.<cloud>

Related Q&A

How to build a interactive data visualization app that can handle large dataset?

Using pygwalker + snowflake.

If there a visual interface for explore data in snowflake?

Yes, pygwalker (opens in a new tab) is a visual interface for explore data that can easier connect to snowflake. You can start to explore with a few lines of code.

How to use pygwalker to handle large dataset?

pygwalker (opens in a new tab) supports to connect external data service, like snowflake and bigquery.