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How to set your privacy configuration?

How to set your privacy configuration?

About privacy levels of pygwalker

Currently, there are three privacy configurations for pygwalker, default is events.

  • offline: fully offline, no data is send or api is requested
  • update-only: only check whether this is a new version of pygwalker to update
  • events: share which events about which feature is used in pygwalker, it only contains events data about which feature you arrive for product optimization. No DATA YOU ANALYSIS IS SEND.

Using the pygwalker command line tool

This will write your privacy level into your configuration file, which will be used every time the pygwalker code is executed.

set privacy

pygwalker config --set privacy=events

reset privacy

pygwalker config --reset privacy

view all configurations

pygwalker config --list

find more helps

pygwalker config --help

Invoking pygwalker fucntion

If you just want to temporarily change your privacy level (Only takes effect when pygwalker is currently called), you can use GlobalVarManager to control it.

set privacy

from pygwalker import GlobalVarManager

get current privacy

from pygwalker import GlobalVarManager

Pygwalker config command tool

$ pygwalker config --help
usage: pygwalker config [-h] [--set [key=value ...]] [--reset [key ...]] [--reset-all] [--list]
Modify configuration file. (default: /Users/douding/Library/Application Support/pygwalker/config.json) 
Available configurations:
- privacy  ['offline', 'update-only', 'events'] (default: events).
    "offline": fully offline, no data is send or api is requested
    "update-only": only check whether this is a new version of pygwalker to update
    "events": share which events about which feature is used in pygwalker, it only contains events data about which feature you arrive for product optimization. No DATA YOU ANALYSIS IS SEND.
- kanaries_token  ['your kanaries token'] (default: empty string).
    your kanaries token, you can get it from
    by kanaries token, you can use kanaries service in pygwalker, such as share chart, share config.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --set [key=value ...]
                        Set configuration. e.g. "pygwalker config --set privacy=update-only"
  --reset [key ...]     Reset user configuration and use default values instead. e.g. "pygwalker config --reset privacy"
  --reset-all           Reset all user configuration and use default values instead. e.g. "pygwalker config --reset-all"
  --list                List current used configuration.